Monday, 8 February 2010


Risk Assessment

I think it is important to do a risk assessment for outdoor performances as there are many dangers, especially if we have equipment, If we were carrying the instruments to the market square from the junction many accidents could occur, for example someone could injure themselves, people may have bad backs and carrying an instrument may cause damage to them. Also if a student dropped an instrument and broke it then the college or student would be reliable to pay for it. As we are walking to the market there will be a lot of moving vehicles and if we were carrying the instruments and on of the students dropped it and it rolled into the road it could cause an accident.
The impact it has made on changing the day of the performance is alright, we are very prepared, and we only have to do a few things ready for the day, for example email everyone and letting them know that the date has changed, changing the posters and so on.

Friday, 5 February 2010


Dress Rehersal

Yesterday we had a dress rehersal at the junction, I think it went really well. Everyone wore the T-shirts and they looked really good, I think everyone felt comfortable no one complained. I think the outfits were very successful but the boys masks were to small for their faces.
If we had more time i think we would of made sure all the masks were the right size of every one and we wouldn't of rushed them.

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